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Truro, Massachusetts, USA

Private landscape design

Lily Jencks






Designed by:

A wooden deck design for a private house in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to provide social spaces for a variety of functions, and privacy screenings from a near-by path. The trellis structure, and series of platforms, break up the elevation and divide the deck into a number of 'rooms' for use during larger social events, or smaller gatherings. 



The deck is fabricated using generic timber sections and creates a linear language that is repeated in the shadows. Each screen frames a different view as you walk along the deck. 



JencksSquared Team:  Lily Jencks, John Jencks


December 2020 Lily Jencks on Super Jury at World Architecture Festival. November 2020 Lily Jencks Judging Panel RIBA Silver Medal. October 2020 Talk with Lily Jencks @MSCTY_SPACE part of London Festival of Architecture "Unseen Architecture"- 19 March 2020 Talk with Lily Jencks @ Clemenger Auditorium, Melbourne for "Transformative landscapes: Designing the healthy city" - October 2019 Ruins Studio wins the ABB Leaf Award in the category "Best New Start-Up Practice Project" -June 2019 LJS Quintessentially English: What does it mean to be Native, listed as 1 of 10 unmissable events and exhibitions @ London Festival of Architecture 2019 - 22 June 2019 Talk with Lily Jencks at Cabot Square for 'Quintessential English Garden' as part of the LFA - February 2019 Lily Jencks Studio winner @ SURFACE DESIGN AWARD in the category"Housing Interior Surface" with the project Powis Cloud 

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